Saturday, June 14, 2008

Paintin Pals!

I have once again subjected to myself to the torture of having to be to work by 6:30 in the frickin frackin morning! But at least I get to laugh and play with friends all day. And I get to go to work lookin like a serious hobo. Yea for paint crew!

This was the first day back and the only reason I am smiling that early in the morning.


Karalee said...

HELLO??!! As a fellow disney freak and friend(I like to consider myself one. I did name my child after you!), why did I not know you had a blog? I love it! Its fun to read about what your up to, even if you dont include info on your 3 failed marriages :)! I'm glad you and Hollie decided to have real blogs and none of this facebook crap! Now get Holly to sign up and all is well in zion!
(Can I get struck my lighting for say that?) Anyhoo I will be keeping tabs on you, so Im adding you to my list. If this is a problem, take it up with Mickey! Have fun waking up super early. I will think of you as I watch the sun rise through my eyelids.:) At least you will have good conversation and will be done with work early in the day!

Karalee said...

Ooops! I just talked to Hollie and she told me about Holly's blog so all is well in Zion!

Natalie said...

UM just wondering why the garritsons have not made your list of friends but yet i know you view it!!! So add me DANGIT!!!