Sunday, April 11, 2010

I am a GLEEK!

Whoops! I know it has been awhile, but what can I say? I am an incredibly busy girl! But I had to enter back into the blogging world just so I could talk about the new phenomenon that is glee! I really could not love this show more than I already do. It has totally changed my life. I have always felt that with a little vocal training, I am the next broadway sensation, and this show has just made me all the more confident in myself! Rachel is definitely my favorite character because we have so much in common...outstanding voices, very driven, incredibly beautiful, etc. So pretty much I just wanted to give a shout out to my new favorite show since the premiere is on Tuesday and it is really all I can think about these days! Well that and Disneyland. Make sure you watch and enjoy! I love glee!


Smith family said...

OOOOOOH NOOOOO! I guess I am a GLEEK too because I just watched last season (thanks to you and Britney) and I absolutely Loved it. Stayed up way too late watching too many episodes at one sitting. We need to chat because I cried at almost every episode! Love it, love it, love it and I kinda can't believe that I do and that I am admitting it! I also loved that you finally did a post, Ruby's birthday has been going on for a long time. ;)

Candis said...

I haven't seen it when does it come on and what channel? I have heard of it though.

Hollie said...

I love Glee so much! Enough said!

Kelly & Jamie said...